Durchstarten mit 40: Ehrlichkeit, Kreativität und Verbundenheit. Ist das der geheime Code?

Wer kennt das nicht: Geld und Karriere sind nicht mehr ganz oben auf der Liste. Jedenfalls nicht direkt. Leben ab 40 - da muss was neues kommen, oder war es das schon? Nein, jetzt geht´s erst "richtig" los! Aber wie anstellen, woher kommt der Antrieb, in welche Richtung laufen? Dazu gibt James Altucher in seinem Blog einen guten Gedankenanstoss:

At 40 I lost my wife, my home, and my job. And many of my friends.

And I was ashamed. I didn’t want to tell people my wife had left. I didn’t want to tell people my home was for sale. And the website I had been writing for for seven years, had bought a company I had started, had won over my loyalty for what I thought was forever, was now blocking me from their system. And I was going broke. Again.

When I turned 40, a friend of mine threw me a party. My wife wasn’t there. My daughters weren’t there. My friends weren’t there. Just the one friend who “threw” the party. He invited all his friends and his girlfriend. They all celebrated the BIG 40 for me. I didn’t know any of them at all. I barely spoke all night. I paid the bill.

A year later I had nothing left. And even that friend who threw the party conveniently forgot I had lent him money when he was broke and he disappeared. Like people do. I was so sad all the time. I thought to myself, “How could this be happening at 40?”

When I was 30 I had a great company, great family, great wife, tons of friends, and I was creative all the time. My company was soaring and when I was 30 we sold it for a lot. I thought I had it all figured out. I thought my “job” of growing as a human was all over. That now I can just stop improving my life and just enjoy it. I had no clue. The second I began to think that way began the long, horrible decade of realizing that improvement never stops.

STOPPING IMPROVEMENT is death. There is no goal. There is no final destination. There is only direction. Live life by themes and a set of values. A code.

19 years after I turned 30, this is my code:

  • Honesty
  • Creativity
  • Responsibility (Certainty), mixed with
  • Mystery (exploration)
  • Emotional connection. Be good to people and love the people close to me.
  • Significance. Always try to do things that can help people.
  • Energy. Whether it’s health, or integrity, or spirituality, do the things that will give me energy to do all of the above.

Money is not on this list. Career is not on this list. Fame is not on this list.

It turns out that having that code comes first. And then all life is a side effect of that. A code to live by, values to stand by, creativity to fuel my heart’s desires…this is what goes into a good life. And then the output is stronger relationships, stronger possibilities, more certainty, more creativity, and eventually success.

Every year is hard. Life is hard. No year is easy. No business is easy. No relationship is easy. This past year is one of my hardest ever in relationships and in business. But I’m more creative than ever. And I live by my code described above. So now things get solved faster than when I was 40. Faster than when I was 30. Faster than when I was 20.

A child laughs on average…300 times a day. An adult on average…5 times a day. I’m up to about 50 times a day. Maybe more.

Every day we have about 10,000 choices to make. Small and big. My goal each day is that more and more of my choices are made because I WANT them. Not because someone else wants me to make those choices.

That is how I laugh more. That’s how I enjoy more. That’s how 40 was just a starting point for me. That’s why even today is a starting point for me. I am so looking forward to the rest of my day.

Artikel erschienen: JamesAltucher.com, 04/2017

Dirk Feldmann

Webdesigner and digital Expert living in Hamburg, Germany.
